2021 Centre d'art de Montréal
2018 Galerie 203, Montreal
2017 Galerie Lydia Monaro, "Retrospective", Montreal
2016 Galerie Lydia Monaro, " X-mas exhibition", Montreal
2015 "For the Love of Art", Galerie Le Royer, Montreal
2015 Galerie Lydia Monaro, "New Works", Montreal
2015 "Art for Autism" Galerie Parisian Laundry, Montreal
2014 Erarta Galleries, Russian Pavilion, New York, NY
2013 Salon D'Art" River Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia
2010 Art Toronto, the 11th Toronto International Art Fair
2009 Hollander York Gallery, Toronto
2009 La Collection Loto-Quebec, Musee National des beaux arts du Quebec
2008 Masterpieces & Contemporary, Opera Gallery, Monaco
2000 Galerie Art Monaro, Montreal
2000 Downey Gallery, Santa Fe, NM; Aspen, CO
2003 Contemporary Collection, Opera Gallery, Miami
2002 Contemporary Collection, Opera Gallery, Miami
1999 Dorota's Choice, Les Impatients, Montreal
1998 Entre Deux Chaises, Musee des beaux arts, Montreal
1997 Marc-Aurele Fortin Museum, Montreal
1997 Art Expo, New York, NY
1997 Galerie du Palais Montcalm, QC
1997 Les Femmeuses, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Montreal
1997 Galerie Art Monaro, Montreal
1994 Entre Libre a l'art contemporain, QC
1994 L'art Au Feminin, Montreal
1994 Galerie Art Monaro, Montreal
1994 Les Femmeuses, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Montreal
1993 55 Peintures canadiens a Paris, Paris
1993 Le Salon Biennal, Grand-Palais, Paris
1993 Galerie Kastel, Montreal
1992 Espoir, Shar Hachomaim, Montreal
1992 Galerie Art Monaro, Montreal
1991 International Art Fair, New York, NY
1991 International Art Fair, Los Angeles, CA
1990 Cote-St-Luc Library, Montreal
1989 Women Artists in Quebec, Marc-Aurele Fortin Museum, Montreal
1985 Russian Artists in Quebec, Saidy Bronfman Centre, Montreal

2014 Galerie Lydia Monaro, Montreal
2013 Canfin Gallery, Tarrytown, NY
2010 Galerie Lydia Monaro, Montreal
2009 Opera Gallery, Soho, NY
2006 Opera Gallery, Soho, NY
2003 Opera Gallery, Soho, NY
2002 Galerie Art Monaro, Montreal
2001 Opera Gallery, Soho, NY
2000 Downey Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
1999 Downey Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
1998 Galerie Art Monaro, Montreal
1998 Downey Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
1997 Downey Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
1996 Gala Gallery, Trois-Rivieres, QC
1996 Downey Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
1996 Galerie Art Monaro, Montreal
1996 "Children at Heart \" Sotheby's, New York
1995 Downey Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
1992 Gala Gallery, Trois- Rivieres, QC
1991 Galerie Art Monaro, Montreal
1989 Galerie Art Monaro, Montreal
1980 ARTA Gallery, Jerusalem
1975 Graphics 3, Haifa
1975 Rozenfeld Gallery, Tel-Aviv