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2021 PURSUIT 365, Fresh Magazine, Dina Podolsky, Day 350
2014 VIE DES ARTS, Nov. 2014, What is left Unsaid, by Dorota Kozinska
2014 THE SEATTLE TIMES, A place to practice the fine art of urban retirement living by Rebbecca Teagarden
2014 RTVI, Interview at the“Russian Pavilion NY” exhibition
2010 VIE DES ARTS No. 218, The Genie in the Bottle by Dorota Kozinska
2010 PARCOURS ART & ART DE VIVRE, Mémoire Gémellaire by Louise-Marie Bédard
2010 THE SUBURBAN, April 14, 2010, Snapshots of the Past by Bernard Mendelman
2010 THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS, Artist Paints Past to Have Strength in the Future by Heather Solomon
2009 OPERA GALLERY, Dina Podolsky & Romero Britto, Catalog of Recent Works
2006 VOGUE LIVING, Romantic Movement, September/October 2006
2003 ART News, April 2003
2003 BOOK PUBLICATION, Opera Gallery, Seeing Memory by Dorota Kozinska
2003 BOOK PUBLICATION, Opera Gallery, On meeting Dina Podolsky by Eric Allouche & Gilles Dyan
2002 LA PEINTURE AU QUEBEC DEPUIS LES ANNEES 1960, Robert Bernier, pp.331-332
2002 PARCOURS L’INFORMATEUR DES ARTS, L’objet du souvenir, Robert Bernier
2002 PARCOURS L'INFORMATEUR, In Her Father's Footsteps and Beyond, Dorota Kozinska
2002 THE SUBURBAN, Dina's Success More Than Pot Luck, Bernie Mendelman
2000 N.M. MILLENNIUM COLLECTION Flowers from the Past, WD. Laichas K. Fowler, N. Stern
2000 CATALOGUE: Dina Podolsky, Archeology of the Mind, Dorota Kozinska
2000 THE GAZETTE, Montreal, Winning Numbers, L Moore
1998 ART News, September 1998
1998 THE GAZETTE, Objects of her Affection, Dorota Kozinska
1998 THE GAZETTE, Calendar, Moscow Memories, p. B6
1998 PASATIEMPO, Painting from personal memory, Craig Smith
1998 VIE DES ARTS, hiver 1998, Les passe interieur, Bernard Levy
1997 PARCOURS L’INFORMATEUR DES ARTS, p. 33-34, Passe Compose Virginie Krysztofiak,
1997 Universities Art Association DES ARTS, of Canada, "Shifting Diaspora", Loren Lerner
1996 LE NOVELLISTE, Dina Podolsky, R. Paille
1996 THE GAZETTE, Layers of Life, review, p. E2
1995 SANTA FE TRIBUNE, The gift of growing up in a creative environment, E. Van Cleve
1995 PARCOURS L'INFORMATEUR DES ARTS, Fragments de memoire, Bernard Daoust
1993 MAGAZINART, 55 Peintures canadiennes a Paris, J. Latoulippe
1992 LA NOUVELLISTE, p. P8 Pour que la memoire ne se perde pas, Andre Gaudreault
1992 PARCOURS L'INFORMATEUR DES ARTS, pp. 15 m 23, Rencontre du troisieme type, V. Krysztofiak
1991 LE DEVOIR, Peintres Russes en exil, Borislav Nicolov
1990 THE SUBURBAN, An Artist's remembrance of things through a rag doll, J. Davidson
1990 THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS, p. 32, Artist remembers her past, H. Solomon
1989 MAGAZINART, Les Portraits de famille de Dina Podolsky, Marie-France Begis